Struggling with raising my Daughter after losing my wife

  • 2 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Last year we sadly lost a wonderful and kind human being. She was my wife and best friend of 20 years and mum to our now 7 year old Daughter.

I now raise our Daughter with very little support and sometimes struggle with not only the daily routine of working full time but feelings of anger, resentment and hopelessness. Also do the unenviable task of being mummy as well as being Dad.

For a long time I’ve tried to get past these feelings but it just doesn’t seem to improve. We have lost contact with my late wife’s side of the family and a lot of mutual friends. 

Has anyone else had a similar experience and how did you manage apart from spending a fortune on therapists etc?

Any pointers, ideas or general chit chat greatly welcomed.

  • Hi there, I don't have any specific advice I'm afraid at the moment but just wanted to sympathise as I am just starting a journey similar to yours, having recently lost my husband to cancer, he was only in his 40s and am now feeling very apprehensive about raising my two children alone. 

    I don't know your age but been advised that a charity called WAY (widowed and young) are very helpful and theres lots of widowed parents on there who may be able to offer some advice and support. Best of luck to you. 

  • Hi,

    My wife passed away in May aged 52 to Cancer,  and I can relate to your message even though my circumstances are different. I am now the sole person supporting me daughter. Still struggling to see the way forward.