The ache of grief

  • 2 replies
  • 15 subscribers

I'm a newcomer to this forum. I've joined in the hope of support and empathy from other members of the group who are bereaved through cancer.

My dear brother died of prostate cancer just before Christmas. He went to his doctor's having had no obvious symptoms but very sadly was diagnosed with inoperable terminal cancer....stage 4..... 

He fought with tenacity and courage for four years until his death. We were very close and I miss him dreadfully. There is something very cruel about cancer when it takes hold....seeing a vibrant, energetic, marathon runner become increasingly frail, gaunt and vulnerable. The cancer did not however, take his sense of humour or kindness or his intellect.

I will always cherish his memory. I just hope I can survive the onslaught of is a very hard road to travel..... but I hopefully I do not travel alone.



  • Elsbeth, I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss. I can assure you, you're not alone on this hard road of grief with lots of bumps in it! 

    I find it very comforting to read&share experiences with others on here.....although it really is the club no one wants to be in. I lost my lovely Dad on 4th January....I still have days of total disbelief&shock, then the realisation hits that he's gone&I'll not see him again. Then the pain hits....and the tears. Cancer is so, so cruel. What it does to our loved ones is beyond belief.....I'm still quite traumatised by my Dad's last 6 weeks. Can only be described as horrific. So yes, I do understand your pain.....I can't help you work through it, but happy to listen and I can certainly sympathise and empathise. I've shared this before on here, but I found it a help....hope you do too. Xxx

  • Dear Theboys....

    Thank you for your very kind and supportive message. It meant a huge amount to me.

    I send my sincere condolences to you and yours following the death of your dear Dad. I know you are in great pain and shock and disbelief over your loss, which is wholly understandable.

    What you are experiencing, amongst other feelings, is the deep ache of love for your Dad:

    ....'And ever has it be known that one does not know the depth of love until the hour of separation.'

    Please remember, as I strive to do with the death of my dear brother, that we do not travel alone. We were meant to console and be consoled on this forum.  Thank you for the lovely Vicki Harrison apt .....Let's hope on.... it is early days for us both and no doubt for many others who are likewise bereaved and hurting....we stumble on....

    Sending my kindest wishes and hope...however fragile,

    Elsbeth xx