Supporting my best friend whilst grieving my friend

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Hi all, 

My best friends partner is sadly in the final stages of his life after battling a lengthy period with this horrendous illness. I have visited him to say my goodbyes but I am struggling to process what is happening and that soon, one of my best friends will not be here anymore. I feel so angry that this disease has robbed him. We are only 27 and he has spent so many years undergoing treatment and facing various set backs but he never let it stop him. He was due to finish his PhD this year and I am angry that he will be robbed of that too. I do not wish for him to be in pain anymore but I do not want him to be gone. It feels so unfair. 

If anyone else has been in the same situation, how did you help to support your a friend or partner who has lost their loved one? Similarly, if you are the one who has lost a loved one, what did you find useful from friends who supported you? I do not want to overwhelm her during this time.

There is nothing I would not do for my best friend, she is the light in my life and my platonic soulmate, and seeing her suffer this loss at such a young age is heart breaking. His passing is also going to be very traumatic and I wish I could take her pain away. I feel as though I am grieving for her loss too. I am going to miss him so much and I just can't imagine life without him in it. My husband and I and those 2 have always done everything together and we now have to navigate without him.  

  • Hi  

    I am very sorry that you all are going through this and at such a young age. I think it is all the more hard to bear for that reason. A life so full of promise which won't be fulfilled. 

    I think that to best help your friend is to be led by her. To be there for her but to give her space when she needs it. As you are so close this should be straightforward to do. Just be honest with each other and take small steps, maybe offer help with practical needs and organisation.

    I would recommend getting in touch with the Macmillan helpline as they will give you contacts of organisations or bereavement charities which will help you. This is the link to contact

    Although this will be an extremely difficult time, I am sure that you will support each other as best you can. Best regards.

    A x

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