Lost my mum don’t see the point in life anymore

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I won’t do anything, I have two children who need me. It’s been ten days since she passed away. Completely unexpected. Less than 3 months since diagnosis and a plan to treat it in place. 3 weeks ago I was on the phone to her around this time and then that was it. Our last conversation. Hospital, MRIs, CTs, we’re losing her. Hospice and gone.

She was so healthy and happy with plans. She was only 62. I am 30. I am too young for this level of grief and everyone keeps telling me I will never get over it and I believe them. Everyone has said to me it will be with me forever. And I think it hurts more because we are so close. 

Holidays, birthdays, weekends, christmases are all spent together. I saw her most days and spoke to her every day. She didn’t want to die she was scared. And now I’m left to try and cope with the trauma of the last three months without any happy ending or reassurance. 

I’m on maternity leave with my two month old daughter we were desperate for, with all these plans with my mum I will never fulfil. The only point in my life now is to make sure my children have a mum but aside from their happiness, I don’t see the point in continuing. I hope this changes but I don’t think I will ever move past it. 

  • I’m so sorry to hear your awful news. Please know you are not alone & sending so much love. I’m also 29 and my 62 year old mum who is basically my best friend has just been diagnosed with advanced breast cancer that has spread to her lymphatic system. I know that is different as it’s different stages but I feel wildly, wildly alone and completely heartbroken. It sounds as though you and your mum had a beautiful relationship and that sort of love transverses worlds. Here to talk if you ever need & you’re doing amazingly. 

  • Hello,

    My dad, my best friend, also passed away very recently at the age of 62. I am also 30 with 2 young children. They adored their grandad and it breaks me that they will never see him again. My heart feels shattered and completely broken like yours. 

    He also was only diagnosed a couple of months before he passed away. 

    I have no words of comfort, I know they don't really matter anyway. But it has given me a bit to comfort knowing I am not alone in this and there are others suffering the same horrendous loss like me too. 

  • I am deeply sincerely sorry , i totally know how your heart feels right now,  Lets share if and when ever you wish.

    Hugs Bythe 

  • Hey, 

    I hope you're ok. Your story really resonates with me. I am 30 also and lost my mum in January and I am heartbroken. Our mums I think were similar in that family was everything, events were there to be together and we shared all our joy. I have also felt like you in that I have had days where I don't want to continue and death really doesn't seem scary. But they do go, the sun shines on me and I think mum wouldn't want me to be feeling those feelings. She'd want me to find joy and keep going and look after those the best I can that are still here - easier said than done but we must try. 

    I wish you all the best, I'm right with you in all of your feelings we just must not give up.