Son died of Non Cardia Stomach cancer

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My son died of non cardia stomach cancer 3 years ago this week.  I still lie awake for 2/3 hours every night thinking of him. Unfortunately I don't think about the happy memories I have of him , but always of his suffering. The fact that he was terminal on diagnosis, and given 2 to 5 months to live at the young age of 40. That he had to bear this brutal news. The fact that his last months were blighted with nausea and sickness. The fact that the night he died he was in excruciating pain from spasms. What caused them I don't know. These thoughts blot out the possibility of thinking of all the good things about him. Does anyone else feel like this?

  • So sorry you are suffering and your cruel loss of your loved one.   My mother died at 41,more than half a century ago ago, of melanoma and I (a young child) still remember listening to her screams the entire night she died.  It has haunted me all my life and still no help in this country if you are terminal and in agony.  How lucky Swiss people are to know they can die without months of agony.  I do hope your pain eases.

  • Thank you so much for your very kind words. I am sorry to hear your poor mother died in such pain and that you had to hear her screams, especially as a child.