Lack of support

  • 1 reply
  • 14 subscribers

Hi, I'm new to the the forum.

I lost my Dad earlier this year. I have really been struggling recently as this time last year he was so poorly, everything is a reminder. I feel so alone with my grief.

I tried to reach out to my sibling who just told me they feel fine and have accepted the death and just don't think about it (apparently its that easy hey!)

I can't speak to my Mum as she's having a hard enough time, if anything it's adding to my stress that I now feel responsible for making sure she's always OK. I don't know how to stop feeling guilty if I don't invite her to everything I do with my family (I'm married with one child and pregnant again now) I don't want her to be alone but also I have my own young family and I want to enjoy that without feeling guilt.

Finally my friends all have young children and although they text to say hope you're OK or text if you need anything, when i actually ask for some of their time to meet up in person nothing ever comes of it and I instead get bombarded with texts about their sleepless nights and daily struggles of having a young family.

I'm not expecting everyone to stop everything for me but I'm also tired of trying to talk about my grief over a text to a friend and quite upset that no one has taken me up on meeting up. Am I being ridiculous? I feel like I'm now at the point I don't want to talk to anyone about anything because what's the point in just replying to a text that doesn't make me feel any better and just feels draining repeating myself.

Thanks if you got this far x

  • Maybe you should talk to your mum, perhaps she feels similar to you. IF you dont have the conversation you’ll never know. SHe might like to talk about you dad more and relive some good memories. I dont know, I have found that being open and honest with others - especially my spouse has been really good for me. 

    I haven’t used the Macmillan help line, but maybe they could help. I have talked to a counsellor and it certainly helped me to change my perspective and help me to cope.

    I’m so sorry you feel like you are going through this alone, I. Hope you can get some more support to help you through it.