Awful week - lost Mum 4 months ago

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In February Mum was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer after 6 weeks of sickness. The only surgery available was a stoma and palliative chemo never given as she was so weak. She died suddenly in the end, after a few days rapid deterioration. 

Whilst she was ill I spent a lot of time travelling to care for her and Dad. And was there, with only really family support,  when she died. I sorted the funeral. I've sorted the numbers bit of probate.

My brother has been suffering similar symptoms in the past month. He's due an endoscopy this week.

I've lived in a bubble of tiredness, sadness, worry and grief since January really. Works suffered. I've made mistakes.  And this week I've been extraordinarily down. 

On Tuesday I drove home after a late meeting in the dark. The first dark drive since doing it a lot earlier this year to visit Mum. Grief hit me like a tidal wave. I'm only just starting to see the light again but even so am still not myself. I think it's all on top of the sheer tiredness I'm also suffering. 

And in addition, the world and this country seems to be going crazy.

Any advice welcome.

  • Hi Kezzie, not so much advice but just to say I am going through the same feelings, after having lost my mum just under 6 weeks ago to Lung Cancer. Even though we knew it was Stage 4 and incurable, I just wasn't ready for how quickly she deterioated at the very end. It was terrifying. I was told she would get more and more sleepy and likely drift off when she asleep but in reality, it wasn't like that all. It was heart wrenchingly painful to witness. We also didn't have any nurses or doctors with us at the time and were truly terrified by it all. I hope your work have been understanding. It is just too much to ask of someone to slip back into 'normality' after such a harrowing loss. Sending you big hugs and please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like to chat/offload. Life without our Mums, is going to be tough. xxxx

  • So similar.

    We honestly thought she had the summer although they never put a timeframe on it. The last few months were really awful to see with marked deterioration everytime I visited and dealing with Dad crying too.

    Mum's actual passing was relatively peaceful because of the medications the district nurse had given her but the days before were hard with the speed.

    The speed at the end was so fast and she was in between oncology (can't do anything unless she was stronger) and palliative/hospice care. So the only help we had was a urgent call to a district nurse for medications. I learned how to bed turn, wash, use pads, change stomas, keep her cool and just watch the physical changes. 

    After I had all sorts of horrible nightmares linked to it afterwards and poor sleep. They are much rarer now. But the grief waves are so strong and knock me for days until I pick myself back up again.

    Thanks for sharing. I'm having another bad day but we are off on holiday as  family with my Dad soon so I must pick myself up for that. xx