Pancreatic Cancer Widow

  • 3 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Just wondering if there's anyone in here going thru the same.  I lost my husband of 25yrs to pancreatic cancer a few weeks ago.  It was a furiously short battle and I'm struggling to talk about it in the real world. I feel like noone can possibly u derstand amd also I don't want to burden people when they've got their naivety.

  • Hi MaeveH welcome to the forum. I can relate to the Pancreatic Cancer part of your post but it was my Dad that died and like your husband had a vey quick/short time until he does 5 weeks in total from diagnosis to dying.  I can understand the shock you will be feeling, in part,  at the rapid spread of the disease as I was not expecting things to move so quickly, but my dad was at a very advanced stage when eventually diagnosed and I have since learned that this is often the case with Pancreatic Cancer as it doesn't always show up symptoms until well advanced.   It was actually a fall that took my dad into hospital and that's when they did loads of scans and further tests and this was picked up then.  


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  • Hi..

    Thank you for the response and so sorry it was so quick for you too.  I thought I had it hard with 3 mnths but 5wks?! Wow.

    For us my husband was misdiagnosed as having reflux and they assumed it was long covid related as he'd just recovered from it.   Like you say it seems that it is a very aggressive one as it takes hold before symptoms show up amd the associated pain he was in is just horrible.

    It was a full on few months of caring for me and going from working, caring for hubby, appointments,  kids, housework and having our kitchen stripped out and building works done at the time aswell to nothing now he's gone has been a hard adjustment, with no escape from the loneliness and a house filled with painful memories.  I'll get there I'm sure.

    Thanks agsin for your response and my condolences for the loss of your Dad

  • Hi I lost my husband to the dreaded PC back in April (5 months ago) married for nearly 28 years & together for 35. He had been diagnosed 12 months earlier. He had 11 cycles of chemo, a failed attempt at surgery when they discovered it had spread to his peritoneum & therefore was now terminal. He had a few palliative chemo sessions but to no avail and rapidly deteriorated. I’m devastated but I am able to help you in your grief if you want to message me.

    regards x