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  • 14 subscribers

Hi am really struggling I have just lost my mam to this horrible disease I can't even say the word am so angry as I was told it was treatable then 2 weeks later it wasn't how can they get this so wrong 

  • Hi Ajay74 welcome to the forum and I am so very sorry about your news, you will be devastated. I can appreciate that you will feel very angry and little wonder with such a short time with your Mum before her untimely death.

    Sadly some of these Cancers can be very advanced by the time they get them and spread has already occurred which makes treatment very difficult if at all able to be treated. Hopefully the  anger will pass and maybe you can ask the Doctors if you can have a chat with them about how your are feeling and see if they can maybe give you some answers. 

    Thinking of you. 


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