Lost my husband

  • 5 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hi, I recently post on here about my husband dying. 3 weeks ago we found out he had stomach cancer but he died last Monday. He was only 39 and it was massive shock and happened so fast. I'm looking for someone who has lost their husband at a young age like this to have a chat with. I'm heart broken, lost, feeling guilty and like I can't live without him. 

  • Hi Jackie123,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost your husband at such a young age. I lost my dad 7 weeks ago to stomach cancer, so I know how cruel the disease can be and how quickly it can progress.

    There is another forum on her for bereaved spouses, so you may find it beneficial to also post on there to talk to other people who have sadly lost their husbands.

    I think most of us who have lost a loved one feel the same emotions that you have expressed. It is so unbelievably hard, but somehow we get through it.

    Have you got supportive family and friends who you can talk to?

  • I have a supportive family. I just it will help me talking to other who know how I feel with it been my husband and lived together for 16 years. If that makes sense. 

  • I lost my hubby 10 weeks ago the same as you have amazing family yet feel so alone my hubby was 46 given 12 months plus turned into 12 weeks we never got any support even in his final days we had to struggle and fight for him . I feel let down and angry by the system we didn’t get chance to make memories or make plans . Now everything is all sorted it’s the what do I do now stage I have gone back to work phased as I was sitting at home letting the days drift by crying work gives me a purpose to get up and also support from outside the family helps . Please push for counselling .

  • I'm really sorry about your husband. Was he at home for the 12 weeks? Did you have time to say what you wanted to say to him or did him happen too fast? 

    I feel scared and alone today, I'm going to visit him at the funeral home today. I like I don't want to see him because that makes sense more real, if that makes sense. X

  • In hospital I was with him but loads of things happened not just how fast it happened I went to the funeral home loads over the month he was there never went to see him but had to take hits in and make sure everything was just right for him the funeral gave him his dignity back take small steps no one can tell you it gets easier it doesn’t you just learn a new way