Six months since losing my best friend (Mum)

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I lost my Mum six months ago to brain cancer. I have had counselling. I am on anti-depressants and I have a fantastic support network.

I miss my Mum so much. I just want to wake up and find out that this is all a terrible nightmare.
Mums headstone has been put on today and it’s just one more hurdle to cross. I’m sorry this probably makes no sense at all. I guess I just want to reach out. It hurts so mum!!! 

  • Helio,

    I lost my mum nearly 2 years ago and I have good days and bad days.  I go to work and function like I know I'm supposed to but deep down I just feel like I'm going through the motions.  I've had counselling which has helped to a degree but the loss I feel is vast and yes it hurts so much. You are not alone.