Feeling so lost

  • 3 replies
  • 16 subscribers


I'm Keeks, I'm 26 and lost my dad to cancer two months ago today. I'm not sure what status I would give myself as I'm neither Christian nor Atheist, but I have always strongly believed in an afterlife. I'm really struggling right now as I have had no connection with my dad since he passed. I feel so incredibly alone and lost and am now questioning everything that actually happens after death. 
Any oppinions are kindly welcomed x

  • Hi there.

    Sorry to hear about your dad.

    I lost my mum last month and I'm frustrated that I've not had any obvious signs from her. I've had odd things but then I wonder if I'm clutching at straws. My sister has had some very obvious signs, as has her partner, but mine seem too vague.

    I'm not at all religious, more spiritual (like my mum was) and I definitely believe that we go 'home' when we pass away, but it doesn't make the grief any easier Disappointed

    Have you tried seeking a reputable medium? 

  • Hi Keeks,

    My mum is a strong believer in signs after someone has passed. We visited my dad in the chapel of rest last week and she said that passing is a shock for those that have gone, so it takes them a while to adjust before reaching out to us.

    I did notice a 'C' in the clouds the other day. My dad's name is 'Chris' so I took that as a sign and a comfort.

    Give it time, and in sure in the most expected of places you will receive a sign from your dad. x

  • I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. I lost my husband 3 weeks ago and I feel exactly the same. I’m desperate for some sign of him. He was not religious but always thought there was ‘ something’  I just want to feel he is close to me. It’s such a lonely feeling x