Can't get over the loss of my mum

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My mum passed on 23rd March 2022, it was her funeral on 14th April.

I moved from London in 2019 to live with her. The house is full of her things everywhere I look. I miss her so much and feel so alone.

She was diagnosed with cancer in September last year and had 4 cycles of chemo which made no difference, as it was still spreading. She suffered terribly with the pain in her legs after chemo, and didn't get any support from her doctor.

The day before she passed we had a phone call asking her to go in to hospital for a couple of days as her sodium level was low, and as she was so poorly we had to wait over 12 hours for an ambulance, by which time she was so poorly it took 3 hours to stabilise her, she passed a few hours later in A&E with me by her side. I couldn't believe I was losing her, I held her hand and told her I loved her and I was sorry and that she didn't need to fight any more. My heart shattered and I sat with her for ages after she passed, just holding her hand. She passed of sepsis and kidney failure, not her cancer. I haven't even unpacked the bag I did for her for hospital. Her last couple of weeks were so bad for her, she couldn't get to the toilet on her own and used to ring me overnight so I could get up to help her, etc.

I feel so awful for telling my mum that she needed to eat, to drink, to try and do some exercise and things like that, I just kidded myself that she wasn't as bad as she was and can't forgive myself.

I just feel so lost now she's not here, and sob every day. I have no family, and only one friend up here, who has her own life with 4 children, so I can't burden her any more than I already have.

We were supposed to go on holiday on 17th April, my friend said I should still go as my mum would have wanted me to. I'm here now and can't stop crying as she should be here with me.

  • Hi

    I am so sorry for your loss and the pain you are going through. I know how you feel with guilt. I lost my Dad 10 weeks tomorrow and his decline was rapid. Can I ask what type of cancer your Mum had? You mentioned low sodium levels and my Dad was also hospitalised with that a couple of times due to his cancer, which was Small Cell Lung Cancer.

    We were very naive when I think back now, my Dad really suffered the last few weeks, he couldn’t swallow, he couldn’t eat, he didn’t have the energy to get to the toilet quick enough but we all thought it was from his treatment, but it was his cancer progressing. I feel guilty because we all kept saying to him “try and eat more” or “have a walk round the garden to strengthen your legs” but he physically couldn’t but we just didn’t believe we were going to lose him so quickly. He was diagnosed in June 2021 but his decline was rapid from mid January and we lost him on 8th Feb. 

    All I am doing is day to day. I have sad days, guilt days, better days etc they’re all different and I cry everyday, I miss him so much it hurts. Try and not focus on the things you feel bad about, you looked after your Mum and was with her when she passed, I hope you can take some comfort from those when you are ready but don’t beat yourself up, I’m sure your Mum would be very proud of you. 


  • I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is devastating. Please try not to beat yourself up for anything you said when you were hoping that mum would recover - you were hopeful and she knew that. I’m sure you loved each other very much, and you were there with her and she will have felt loved. Give yourself time to grieve and cry all you need to. Sending strength x

  • My mum had endometrial cancer, thanks for your kind words, I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face 

  • Thanks for your kind words, it's so hard as I'm so alone and miss her so much 

  • Hi. I am so sorry for your loss. I honestly know exactly how your feeling, my mum was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in November 2020, and then passed away in July 2021. She went downhill so fast I still can’t get over her not being here anymore. Try not to let feelings build up, talk to somebody. I made that mistake and I’m still struggling as I have only just joined here. I am always around if you need to chat. Xx

  • I just thought I'd got so much longer with mum, she was going to start a different chemo, but she just declined in the blink of an eye, and actually passed of sepsis and kidney failure. 

    I just feel so alone as I have no family left now. 

    Sorry for your loss too xx

  • Honestly I know exactly how you feel. My mum had 4 rounds of chemo and immuno. She had a fall at the beginning of July, was taken into hospital and she was happy and chatty, I spoke to her consultant and they said the cancer hadn’t spread or grown so they wasn’t worried at all. She came home on the Friday, and then went to Phyllis Tuckwell for a bit of rehab on the Saturday. When I saw her on the Sunday she was a bit confused but she will still herself. Then by early hours of the Tuesday morning we got the call to say she had taken a turn for the worse so we went straight down there and within half hour of me my dad and sister being there she passed away, which we found out was because she had a chest infection that the hospital hasn’t picked up on. I always feel alone. I have my partner here but he still has his parents, so he has no idea how I feel. I always feel alone. As I said I am always here if you want a chat, it’s nice to talk to someone that’s going through the same thing xx 

  • I can relate to how you feel on many levels.  How are you currently?