Grief not hitting as hard as expected

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

I lost my father around a month ago, I'm a young man in my early 20's. Leading up to his passing, I was expecting to feel deeply overwhelmed by emotions on the loss, expecting to not feel like doing anything and it to have a huge impact on me mentally.

This hasn't happened though,.whilst I have had moments of sadness, I am more thankful for who he was rather than emotional about the loss.

It feels strange to not feel more deeply emotional, has anyone experienced this themselves? I feel like a bit of an anomaly and scared that I don't feel more sad like you would typically expect through a grieving process.

My only thinking is that it's anticipatory grief and the reality is I have been grieving and preparing ever since he was diagnosed and so it doesn't feel so sudden

Thank you

  • Hi Gladiatorspirit. welcome to the forum and I send you my sincere condolences on the loss of your dad.

    I dont think there is a right or wrong way to grieve and we all respond differently and as you say yourself you are more thankful for who he was than the emotion of the loss and thats a strong bond that is there between you and maybe that is what is helping you through.  You are not an anomaly nor should you feel scared, there is no written rules for grief it is what ever the person who suffers the loss feels and we will all feel and think of that loss differently but thta doesnt make you in any way strange nor an anomaly.

    I think your dad would be mighty proud of how you are delaing with things.


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  • Thank you Gail, we laid him to rest at his funeral today. To see people.who knew him but didn't no so much about his gradual decline was strange as I was there fairly smiley about how great my dad was and it is what it is whilst others were completely in bits.

    Thank you Gail