How do I tell estranged family that he’s gone?

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My stepdad passed in Feb from bile duct cancer, it was 6 weeks from diagnosis to death. When he was first told it was terminal my mum asked him if we should contact his estranged kids, it had been about 10 years since last contact (this is whole other story!) and he said no, he didn’t want them knowing, no one really agreed with his decision but honoured it anyway. Now one of them is looking for their Dad, we received contact from them 2 days ago. My mum is in a awful place mental health wise and is just not up to the task of telling them, so I have agreed to do it after Christmas. The thing is I don’t even know what to say, how do you tell someone that their Dad is dead? I’m worried they will be mad that no one told them sooner, I’ve always been upset for them that they never had a chance to say goodbye and get closure, and quite frankly I’m dreading it. Just a side note there was no real fall out that lead to cutting contact it just happened due to distance, the kids are all 30-40 years old. Does anyone have any advice on how to do this? 

  • Hi  it does sound like a bit of a tricky and delicate situation.

    Did you have contact details for his estranged children because if you didn't then you can say that their father didn't want to worry them and wouldn't give you their contact details and so you had no way of contacting them until they contacted you.

    If you did have a way to reach them and they know that you did then I would just be honest and say 'I'm really sorry to have to be the one to tell you but your father passed away from cancer on xx/xx/xx. We wanted to contact you to let you know he was ill but he was adamant that we didn't; and so we had to respect his wishes'.

    You haven't done anything wrong so don't feel or act like you have, just be truthful and accept whatever reaction you get.  The shock might cause them to react badly and if they do just listen to what they have to say repeat that you had to honour his wishes and leave it at that.

    Hopefully they take it quite well.  After so many years of no contact they must know that anything could have happened to their father and if they cared they would have tried to make contact sooner especially since there wasn't an actual falling out.

    Hope it goes well and my condolences for your loss.