it's my daddy's birthday next month and me and my middle sis are going to celebrate it with our youngest sister, sister-in-law (and any of our other family members who would like to) and our two nieces at their house

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looking forward to celebrating my daddy's birthday with my two sisters, sister-in-law and two nieces (and any other members of our family who would like to join us) at their house. we haven't decided what we are going to do yet, but we'll come up with something.

I even set up a group chat on messenger for me, my two sisters and our brother so that we can talk about and share our memories of our daddy with each other.

I'm so glad that I have got my family and friends to support me with the loss of our daddy.

my brother is in his late 20s and it only really hit him around this time last year that our daddy isn't coming back as he'd rang our mum in floods of tears as he's a daddy's boy like I'm a daddy's girl. our two sisters were close to our dad too in their own way.