My sister is gone

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

At the end of September I lost my sister to a brain tumor. She was 30 years old and she fought hard. She made it nearly 2 years from diagnosis. It feels like she was doing so good and then all of a sudden she was gone. I'm fine if I don't really think too much about it, like really think about what the whole thing involves but once in a while it creeps up on me and I feel like I can't breathe, my throat actually feels like it starts to close up on me and I can't breathe. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips to stop this happening?



  • Hi Kaf Stringer welcome to the forum and I am so sorry that you have not had a reply as yet and also so very sad for your loss.

    I cant begin to imagine how you ever come to terms with that loss especially in one so young and also a relationship that I imagine you had planned for long into both your old ages as sisters. Its early days yet for you in the big scheme of things and its ok to not be ok and I know people say that time is a wonderful healer and I believe me that it is. The rawness eases but the loss never leaves you and your sister will always be with you deep in your heart but for now its ok to feel as you do and its ok for you to be overwhelmed by it all at times I imagine that maybe something triggers a memory in you about your sister when this happens for you? Is that the case? 

    Sending some hugs your way for now.xxxxx   


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  • FormerMember

    Hi Kaf, 

    I lost my Sister at the end of September too.  She had Ovarian Cancer and fought for 2 years.  I miss her so much. I find the grief comes and goes in waves, and 6 months on it is hitting hard.  I have some days where I panic and think I am going mad, I have medication for these times. It doesnt take the grief away, but it helps to calm me.  I would recommend visiting your GP and see if they can offer help.