Extra help

  • 5 replies
  • 9 subscribers

Hello I recently adopted a rescue dog and a week later found out that I have incurable kidney cancer. I'm not sure what treatment is yet, but I  do struggle a little walking him all ready. I look on it as my exercise and some days that is all I can do.

I make use of secure dog fields but obviously the cost adds up and I don't have family or anyone that I would call a close friend to help. I have contacted cinnamon trust but I don't think I qualify does anyone know of any other free resources.

  • Hi Sweet21Pea

    I am sorry to hear of your kidney cancer. 

    I wonder if it is worth contacting your local vets to see if they know of anyone local to you. Also there may be vet nurse apprentices who would be looking for experience. Also might be worth seeing if there are any animal care students at your local college. 

    At my GP surgery we also have a Village agent who coordinates help for people needing support. 

    There are also some links here.

    Pet care when you have cancer | Macmillan Cancer Support



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you good ideas

  • Hi Sweet21Pea, I'm so sorry about your recent diagnosis. If I were you in the first instance I'd contact the adoption centre that you rescued your dog from. You will usually have signed a contract which asks you to contact them first if there are any problems. They should be able to help you or point you in the right direction for assistance. X

    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023

  • Hi sweet21Pea what type of dog is it? Don’t worry if you can’t walk them everyday. We train assistance dogs and as part of that training the dogs have to learn to have rest days. You can give them mental exercise in the house using things like snuffle balls licky mats filled kongs and doggy games. If your on Facebook look for local dog walking groups and meet up with them once a week to give you some support with your walking. You might even find someone who will take your dog along when you’re not able to. People like dogs trust may be able to put you in touch with volunteers who for what ever reason can’t have a dog themselves volunteer to walk them to give them some doggy time which is a win win situation. Good luck 

  • I'm really sorry to hear about your situation.