Losing our dog yesterday

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Hi all I’ve been going through jaw cancer quite evasive surgery and still a long way to go but given the all clear , my darling dogs of which we now have 8 until yesterday when we had to make the difficult decision of letting him go, are our life, I feel that I didn’t get to spend enough time with him at the end as I couldn’t be with them so much due to not being able to walk on the leg they used for the jaw bone. 

we lived  in Spain for four years rescuing and saving dogs and cats, and returned back to the uk three years ago our dogs live next door to us in a heated warm area as we live in a mobile home, so going into them every day was not an option at the beginning, yesterday it hit me so hard that my darling spanish galgo hadn’t had so much love from me as he should have thesecladt dreadful months although my husband is in with them all the time. 

Just feeling so sad that he’s now left us although he was 13 and we had him for over ten years, so just hold your pets tight and let them know how much they are loved even when you are going through bad times they are always there for you x