Does anyone else worry about the effect their cancer is having on their pets?

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I might sound a bit nuts, but I’m really worried about my youngest dog. He started sleeping with me when I had my scan last year, two weeks before my secondary diagnosis. He follows me around and sleeps with me now. I’m worried that because I’m up and down sometimes, that I’m passing my stress onto him. 

  • Hi Jools63, this doesn't sound nuts to me at all. Our furry friends are very perceptive to our moods and that's what makes them such a massive support to us when we are going through incredibly difficult times. Much like the support we receive from human friends and family there is an impact but when we react positively to their input they in turn feel good. Enjoy the love of your furry family guilt free, they are obviously loved very much and they return that love in spades. 

  •  I’ve had a similar thing with one of our cats, I was crying a lot and I didn’t think that it would affect the cats.  One of them has been sad looking and even more fussy.  I, going to try and not be upset around him,  

  • Hiya I think that pets are so special when they stay by our side, especially during difficult times.

    I have two beautiful shih tzus, Molly and Brontë. They are from the same litter and are now 12 years old.

    I work part time and when I come home they greet me in such a special way. I feed them, take them for walkies, then we all go upstairs for an afternoon sleep.

    I have chronic fatigue after radiotherapy and hormone treatment for prostate cancer, and need to rest for a few hours every day after work.

    It is so special and comforting to have them with me. I don't know how I would manage without them!

    If you have pets, please enjoy them - they want to please you!!

    All the best to everyone


  • I loved reading your post. I’m so pleased that you have dogs who are such a comfort too. Long May that continue. 

  • Hiya, thanks for your reply. Do you have pets?

  • I also have two dogs! Mine just happen to be rescues.