Cats and chemo

  • 3 replies
  • 9 subscribers


I’ve started capox , just 3 days in following op to remove tumour from bowel

my cat has barely  left my side when I’ve been home since the operation 

I just had a thought with the chemo, is it ok to pet and cuddle her , will she not pick up any effects of this. I wash my hands a lot before and after cuddling her.

thanks for any advice 

  • Hi  

    I didn't have that type of chemo so can't offer any advice on what it's safe to do and not to do while on that particular regime.

    It might be an idea to post this in the bowel cancer group as well as you'll then connect directly with others who have been on this type of cancer.

    Wishing you all the best with your treatment.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi,  when on IV 5FU I was advised not to let my dog lick me for a couple of days afterwards, the rest of the week was ok. No idea with the tablet form, except they shouldn't be handled.

  • Hi Nicky

    I'm supporting my husband through his cancer journey. He is on the drug you mentioned and we were told by our oncology nurses not to cuddle babies and children under 2 years old and small animal pets like cats and dogs as they can be affected by the chemo coming from the body. 

    We have a beloved ancient cat so we are just discouraging him sitting on Mike just to be sure we keep him safe. We have also started shutting our bedroom door to prevent him sleeping on the bed. It's hard but we just want to be cautious. 

    Take care Debs Feet