Black cats

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  • 7 subscribers

Hi animal people. 

It's a well known fact that black cats are harder to rehome  than other coloured cats. All of my cats are black

 Enony is the mother of Oliver and Chynna. She was a stray and pregnant when I took her in. They are beautiful natured cats. They certainly got me through my cancer treatment and recovery. So please don't reject a vat because of It's colour xx

  • Hi   black cats are lovely natured cats.  Unfortunately both my cats passed away within 10 months of each other after I had finished treatment. They had supported me so much, lying next to me in bed and following me around, even to the toilet during treatment and recovery. It left me heartbroken after they passed. Quite a few months later, I heard about a cat locally that had been living rough for 8 months. The winter was about to set in and we took her in. She's so lovely and I really feel she has helped to improve my mental health.  x