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It is now 5 weeks since my beloved Barry passed away. We were finally able to have his funeral and “celebration of life” on Friday 21st October (delayed due to Coroner’s Office referral and post mortem). It was a beautiful and moving service with tears, laughter, music and lovely words. For me the hardest thing was walking out of the chapel at the end because I knew once I left him then there would be no going back. Gracie had been so close to him throughout his illness, he was convinced she had sensed the cancer before he was diagnosed. In his last few weeks she was his constant companion.
Now she is always by my side and is my comfort in these early days of my grief. She gives me the reason to get out each day, to take her on her favourite walks, she greets my visitors with great excitement as if she is hoping it will be him. She snuggles up to me when I am crying and lifts my spirits with her funny antics. Grief is a lonely place even with the love and support of family and friends but I know I can depend on them and Gracie to help me through. 
Because his death was very sudden I wasn’t able to be with him and never got to say “Goodbye” but when I left him that day I said “I’ll see you tomorrow “ and in a way I’m glad I never said “Goodbye” because in my heart and mind I will always “See him tomorrow “. 