Pet Rats and a puppy?

  • 1 reply
  • 6 subscribers


My dad got diagnosed with  multiple Myeloma 2 months ago and is having chemo twice a week, I am in the process of moving home to care for him with my mum. I am obsessed with getting two pet rats for myself if permitted by the parents, I think they would help me with my anxiety and depression and to have a routine when I am home. I'm hoping too that they can be a calming pets for my dad to engage with, as I think he is a bit of a softy when it comes to pets. We already have a dog who is very jumpy and pulls on the lead, so I was hoping to have a discussion about getting pets when a loved one is diagnosed and how they can help with the affects of cancer and alongside the treatment.

I think also as the dog is getting old it could be a good time to get a puppy as I would be home all the time with dad. Anything about small furry animals or puppies helping a loved one during this time would be amazing!  - any advice as well.



  • Hi Kat and welcome to the online community

    I can see from your post why you have chosen ratking as your username Slight smile

    I don't have any experience with introducing pets into the home when someone is having chemotherapy. This might be a good question to post in the ask a nurse section of the community. If you'd like to do this then clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. The nurses aim to respond within 2 working days.

    I hope that if having pets while your dad is on treatment is okay then you can realise your dream


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