This is my boyfriend John, and my cat

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This is John. This was the last photo taken of him. He died within a fortnight from cancer that couldn’t show any primary site. My cat Charlie. She started lying on his pillow for 6 months until she came down and started a window vigil for him. Sadly I lost her too, she wouldn’t stop pining for him. I miss them and I love them deeply.

  • Jack, I'm so sorry to read about your two losses. First of John and then Charlie the Cat. I have always thought that animals feel like us. Loss and pain,being the main two. Mine and the wife's cat is a strange little baby. She was constantly sniffing my wifes breath while she was asleep and a few months down the line my wife was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer. Is it linked? Did the cat sense it? I cant answer that but as my wife is now sleeping on the sofa for comfort the cat sleeps on her side of the bed right by her pillows.

    Jack Things will get slightly easier day by day. You will never get over your loss but you will come to terms with it eventually. Baby Steps day by day and you will get through it. The Heart ache and the Sadness will take time. Just TRY and be strong. What Would John want you to do?

    God Bless You and Take Care  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Billythedog

    Funny, some people think some animals can smell and sense when something is wrong with us or other cats sense something with me. One of them will not leave my side, getting clingier as time goes on. The other one is always sniffing my liver area. It bugs me. I’ll tell you something about John, we used to go on ghost hunts. One evening he said to me that if he visited me from the spirit world, he’d give me the sign of Robin Hood. Still funny as when I was recently in Wales, a great big coach pulled into the bus park with huge letters “Robin Hood”. Then while I was visiting my mother in the care home, I saw a large poster of the latest pantomime. Guess what it’s called Robin Hood. The one thing that keeps me going is that sooner or later I will be joining them with arms open wide. John was always saying you can do it.  So I’m getting on with life and knowing he is always in my heart. So is Charlie.