Cat crazy household.

  • 6 replies
  • 7 subscribers

well. My three cats keep me going. I’ve had pancreatic and liver mets cancer for nearly two years. But oh boy my cats do the craziest of things. Charlie loved jumping up and holding on to the ceiling light shade, swinging on on it, then the others would jump and cling on to her, sending them spinning round and round, faster and faster, until one by one by were thrown in all directions. Good job the windows are closed.

  • FormerMember

    Dear jack, it’s good to hear your crazy cats are a comfort to you, I’m a dog person myself, I had a jack Russell for all my adult life, they have lots of character but like to be the boss, my last one lived to be 18 years old. I still love to see the dogs at my local nature reserve who are now all wearing their winter coats and are super cute. We have a local heron who likes to sit on the roof of near by houses and survey his territory, 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I remember the last time I saw a heron. It was next to the Windermere lake. It was early in the morning, the way the morning sun lit parts of its feathers was breathtaking. also reminds me that my late boyfriend was with me. He was very much into the wildlife and birds. Always happy to be outdoors and going for a walk, he want keen on the rain due to his arthritis. Tomorrow will be the fourth anniversary of his death from cancer. Is cancer was so advanced, that they no longer could find the primary one. Diagnosed nd death within a fortnight. I still love him very deeply.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear jack, I am lucky to have a nature reserve near my house which has an abundance of bird life, Canadian geese, coots, moor hens,mallards, swans, and the aforementioned heron. I have been lucky this year to watch the cygnet swans grow into adulthood, which seemed unlikely at the beginning of the year. Their attempts to take flight was a sight to behold. I have come to take more pleasure in nature since my diagnosis, it’s a simple pleasure.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Johnty 

    it sound wonderful to live so close to a nature reserve. My boyfriend would have loved it. Coots are my favourite. I like their day of the dead large black and white feet. Also I like tree creepers and how they will hop/creep so far up a tree and then fly to another tree and follow the same habit.

  • I love tree creepers too - that habit is so interesting. Nuthatches are the opposite, they walk down the tree!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Glad you love tree creepers.  Still have the old ancient apple tree in the garden. Lucky if I get apples. Also got grapes growing in the outbuilding which is odd.  Have you got any pets?