The End

1 minute read time.

My mum's condition has deteriorated rapidly over the past few days.  Yesterday, the doctors at the hospice told us that the end was near for my mum and that she had a few days to live.  I don't know how it happened and it's almost as if something happened overnight Sunday to push her into the final stage.

Today she arrived home.  We have a special hospital bed in the dining room and we are sitting with her.  My sister and I had a talk with her and we said what we wanted to say.  Her pupils are fixated at the moment and she can't talk coherently at all.  But she can hear us though.

People have been coming to visit her all evening.  We have been told to expect her to go at any time now.  I was very angry for a while today.  Angry because I felt, and still do feel a little, that the doctors have let my mum die.  Somehow the 'there's nothing we can do' line really doesn't seem good enough.  The resignation and defeatism in the face of cancer seems immoral. 

My mum has done so much for me and I am forever in her debt.  She is my hero and I have such deep admiration for the life she has led.  I am so proud of her for what she has done.  I told her all this today. 

I've no idea how 'it' happens or what is the normal rate of deterioration.  But I have been shocked and horrified by her decline in recent days.  I honestly expected a few more months. 

Anyway, just wanted to share.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yilmaz,

    I am so sorry that your mum has declined so much.

    It is good that you have all said what you want to say to each other, that will mean so much to you later.

    Your mum sounds like an amazing and brave person and i   hope that when her time comes you can find the strength to be there for each other and get through the days, weeks and months ahead.

    It is very hard hun i too was in the same place as you are now just 9 weeks ago but somehow that strength comes from somewhere and my friends on this site have given me amazing strength since.

    Please come back to us if you need to talk more.

    Sending lots of love and strength to you, your mum and your family. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  

  • FormerMember

    Dear Yilmaz

    So sorry to hear about your Mum. My thoughts are with you and your family. XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yilmaz

    I am very sorry to hear that your mum is close to the end . I think that anger is normal, and I know that I am experiencing anger that my mums life is being cut short.

    Keep talking to your mum, she will be listening and its something to gain comfort fromxx

    Please take a little time for you today and try to think of all the wonderful memories your mum has given you, they will be carried in your heart foreverxx

    Thinking of you and your family today, love Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    I am so very sorry to hear about your mum, it is so difficult to find words of comfort for you when we all know nothing will ease the pain of losing a loved one.  My thoughts are with yoiu and yoiur family at this very difficult time.xx

    Jo Mac

  • FormerMember

    hello yimaz , im so sorry ,

    one little piece of advice i would give you all ,even when our loved one is right at the end and appears to be not with us anymore they can still hear you , even after they have passed away for a little while , this is prob hard to hear and im sorry but it gave me great comfort when i lost my hubby and even before as i work as a health care assistant ,

    i am thinking of you all hugs jenni xx