
1 minute read time.

I went for an assessment with a bereavement counsellor this afternoon.  She asked me some questions and I talked about my feelings about my Mum and about what had happened. She is going to assign me a counsellor and get back to me within a couple of weeks.

Lately, I have been finding it hard to cope with life.  I am trying to move on: seeing friends, going out shopping, work when it is available- things which I would normally do.  But, I feel like my Mum's passing has put it all into perspective.  Everything I do in my life seems trivial and irrelevant compared with the loss of Mum.  And all around me, the world is moving on.  I feel like I need some support at the moment. I have lots of good friends, but everything moves on with life.  At the time, my friends were supportive, but none of them have been through what I have and so don't realise how much this hits you afterwards. It's not their fault at all, and I do realise how difficult it is to support someone in this situation.   I feel in some way that I am just expected to move on as well.  I am trying to, but it's so hard.  The feeling of emptiness and great sorrow is always there. 

I find myself staring at where she used to sit and getting upset.  There is a big hole in my life at the moment and I'm not sure how to deal with it at all.  I am lucky to have had such a loving, kind-hearted Mum.  But the loss of her is just so hard to bear.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the support everyone.

    Christine, I'm so sorry for your loss.  It's so very hard.  I think contacting Cruse is a very good idea.  I'm sure they will be able to help you, or point you in the right direction.


  • FormerMember

    Grief is a weird thing there is no right nor wrong way to grieve, no time limit for grief.

    I went on monday for an assessment to see if I needed counselling.

    My husband died 4 years ago and seemingly I haven't allowed myself to grieve enough.

    After his death I surrounded myself with nice things I went on holiday as often as I could get someone to go with me. I shopped til I dropped and bought things I didn't really want or need.

    4 years later it has taken its toll.

    When I am alone I can't stop crying.

    I did have counselling 3 weeks after he passed away but it was too soon and I was still in shock. The girl who counselled me wasn't very good, there were too many long silence's and it felt uncomfortable.

    Anyone who can't move on from their tragedy should benefit from counselling from the right people.

    Good Luck to you all Love Julie XX

  • FormerMember

    I'm so glad to have found your post Yilmaz, My husband passed away a month ago and i feel just the same. I've come away to France to get away from it all but unfortunately "It all" has followed along for the ride. It's hard for other people to cope with grief even with the best intentions. I felt so terribly terribly alone until I found your comments. So you can be a tiny bit consoled that there are at least two of us out there.

    xxx Jo.L