
  • The F**kit List


    Last year as I hit my preliminary expiry date, (before committing to developing my own little virtual mind dump on the internet), I asked my Facebook friends for some advice on one of the most common questions I had been asked in that 12 months. That query was, “What had I put on my ‘Bucket List?”

    I'm sure we are all familiar with this, but for those of you who for some reason haven’t come across the…

  • Just a technical update actually!


    Hi all,

    I'm still beavering away through a few new articles for the website (they are going to end up coming like London buses!), but in the meantime just wanted to let people know that I have recently made some general improvements to the site that were requested.

    Firstly, rather than wait with bated breath for my next community announcement (and I know your day isn't complete without one!) you can now simply…
  • A Life in Music


    You know that indescribable smell that catches you by surprise occasionally that almost physically rips your inner being back into the school dinner hall, that triggers those long repressed memories, or reignites forgotten emotions. It stops you in your tracks doesn’t it?

    Music can do that too can’t it? You hear that song and remember how you hooked into that one lyric that spoke so articulately about how…

  • Ding Ding!


    So there I am busying myself around the house, not really achieving much when the doorbell goes. Maybe it’s my delivery of Gravity on Blu Ray. As I approach the door I can see through the window it’s no such luck, not unless UPS has started employing elderly ladies in tea cosy hats.

    They are in tag team formation and I feel there is going to be some kind of demand for commitment coming. Too late though, the…

  • About the Author


    My name is Eamonn. I am a husband to a surprisingly tolerant wife, and father to a five year old girl and seven year old boy. We live a very nice life in Harpenden near London. I also happen to be terminally ill.

    In January 2012 I was diagnosed with stage III pleural mesothelioma. That is the kind of cancer you get around the lungs after exposure from asbestos. Normally it manifests in retired men with a history in the…