Just a technical update actually!

Less than one minute read time.

Hi all,

I'm still beavering away through a few new articles for the website (they are going to end up coming like London buses!), but in the meantime just wanted to let people know that I have recently made some general improvements to the site that were requested.

Firstly, rather than wait with bated breath for my next community announcement (and I know your day isn't complete without one!) you can now simply subscribe to the website and when any new articles are posted you will emailed a notification. All you need do is go to www.whothehelldoeshethinkheis.com and put in your e-mail address at the bottom and press that big subscribe button!
Secondly, when you make a comment or reply on an article, you can now choose to be kept notified by e-mail of any future comments or replies made on the topic. Just tick the relevant boxes that appear below when you make your comment. It's 'opt in', so don't forget!
I hope the rest of your day is as exciting as I have just made it!