
  • YAWNING!!!!!!!!!!! And waiting nervously for LM....


    That is all I have done today. Well, not literally, otherwise I would be sat here having not got dressed or gone to work or eaten or used the loo... :) AND, I have been on tenterhooks until could get onto my laptop this evening and see what LM's results were - PHEW!! (HUGS LM TIGHTLY)

    But yes, yawning took up a large amount of my time. So, why stay in work I hear you cry? I asked myself that and the response was…

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how normal was today??


    Well, let's see...

    I went to work, it was a nice quiet day so did some admin/organising stuff, Liz the counsellor lady that appeared when I decided the centre needed one (grins, I like the way the Universe works)  took me for lunch, sorted out some training, picked Deri up, dropped Megan at work, had dinner, Pam came to see me, arranged lunch with Lynne on Sat, and its 10 pm and I'm not feeling shit! :)) 

  • Kids get you, right *there* eh?


    Before work I washed my hair and quite a lot came out, and I was annoyed at it ruining my new pixi crop than actually losing all my hair lol! ;)

    Into work again today, but only until 2 as had to go and have my tubes flushed - doesn't that sound delightful? ;) - and as I tired I went straight home, or rather, to pick up Deri from school. She is more cuddly than usual I have noticed. I think in her little 6 year…

  • Back to Work World


    My lovely mum popped over last night with dinners for last night and tonight plus a choc cake....... she says I can then still work if I want but not be too tired trying to cook when I get in too! :)

    So, a 'normal' day then. Drop Deri at breakfast club, get to work, switch on computer and kettle. Thankful got all the 'hellos' and 'how are yous' and 'are you oks' out of the way yesterday! ;)…