YAWNING!!!!!!!!!!! And waiting nervously for LM....

1 minute read time.

That is all I have done today. Well, not literally, otherwise I would be sat here having not got dressed or gone to work or eaten or used the loo... :) AND, I have been on tenterhooks until could get onto my laptop this evening and see what LM's results were - PHEW!! (HUGS LM TIGHTLY)

But yes, yawning took up a large amount of my time. So, why stay in work I hear you cry? I asked myself that and the response was, they are giving you 3 days off a fortnight so TRY to go in when you can to hang onto job, you'd be bored at home, you can nap in the counselling room/in car, and you do really really like this job! I HAVE promised to go home if I feel crap, and I shall.

I didn't feel crap, just tired, and will have an early night , and once I have taken Deri, Broni and Jess to the bus for 7am to go to Legoland tomorrow, I shall be back in bed, until time to meet Lynne for lunch, then back home to bed until time to pick them all up off bus again :))

I was tired enough for Liz to remark that I looked a little pale around the gills... so am now trying to wind down after having to pack a bag for Deri with packed lunch and spare dry clothes in for tomorrow!(sulks slightly at fact that I can't go too...)

  • FormerMember

    big hug.. too tired to write.. but big big hiug to you xxxxx will catch up tomorrow xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    If you are still up, for goodness sake woman, go to bed.  I'm absolutely knackered so I'm shuffling off!  Never thought this would be me on a Friday night!

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Rest you need to. For all you do for family and strangers you deserve the peace.

    I understand your concern for little my, she is a bright lite in a dark place. As you now know she is ecstatic re the results as are all of us. So rest and enjoy the family.

    Hugs etc Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Its saturday morning 8am, hope you had a restful sleep and expecting your back in bed as I write.

    Im sure your upset at not being able to go to legoland with the kids but what a great mum you are for arranging that they still go without you.

    Hoping you have a bit more energy today and enjoy your lunch and the piece and quiet, cos once their back you know it will be talking at ninety miles an hour.

    Shaz ((((((((((((Big Hug))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    Slow down girl, let things just be, your body needs YOU to be resting.  Hope the weekend brings some time for YOU.  Ann x