Kids get you, right *there* eh?

1 minute read time.

Before work I washed my hair and quite a lot came out, and I was annoyed at it ruining my new pixi crop than actually losing all my hair lol! ;)

Into work again today, but only until 2 as had to go and have my tubes flushed - doesn't that sound delightful? ;) - and as I tired I went straight home, or rather, to pick up Deri from school. She is more cuddly than usual I have noticed. I think in her little 6 year old way she is concerned about her ol' mum :) Also, the school organised a trip this Sat to Legoland, which I was going on with her. I can't go now - too long a day, low immune system etc... and usually she will go anywhere without me, but when I told her she burst into tears and said ''I am NOT going without you!!"
Eventually I managed to sort things out so her big sis can take my place, and she said yes she *would* go with family but not just with friends! I didn't want her missing out on such a fab day out just coz I'm 'ill'. I also found her determination to be supportive of ME very touching. *sniff*

Came home to find that my mum and stepdad had cleaned the carpets downstairs and put up new curtains in sitting room :) - and left dinner in the oven - nom nom nom!! Thanks Mum!
Quite tired, can't write much as torn between sleep and food lol! Maybe eat then sleep, easier than trying to eat whilst sleeping eh?

  • FormerMember

    I wish I had your Mum.  I struggle with housework, and to be honest, the place looks like a squat at the moment.  I have every intention of doing stuff, but just have no energy.  With 3 kids to look after though, you definitely need the help!

    Glad your girls are looking after you - and each other too.  Get an early night working girl!

    Night, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    What asmashing couple of kids you have,not to mention your Mum and Dad you must feel very proud of a Family like that.  You look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Dont laugh but I have done the eating while asleep!!!!

    Was pregnant at the time...cravings for triffle....was dreaming of the one in the fridge that my mum had prepared for sunday after dinner, I woke up rather suddenly in pain, I had taken a chunk out of my thumb Ha Ha.

    Kids are amazing aren't they, you think they are a bit young to understand at her age and then.. wham, they get you unexpectedly.

    If I give you my address, do you think your mum would come and surprise me too!!!!!!!


  • FormerMember

    My mum can be quite the raving lunatic so it's a good yin/yang balance with her and I love her to bits when she isn't ranting lol!

    She IS amazing and of course wants to do lots but with a knackered hip and half a lung, I need to remind her to not to try to look after me 24/7 because she needs to be there on the crap days etc! ;)

    Eating your thumb eh?>? I remember doing nutty stuff whilst pregnant but never chewing my own digits LOL!

    Thanks guys and gals, you really do say stuff that makes me feel like I am getting a hug :D
