
1 minute read time.

I had the biopsy on the 23/12/13. then had to wait two week's for the result. within a couple of day's the burning sensation was subsiding and I was urinating almost normally. I was feeling so much better. then on the 14/1/14. I went to the hospital to hear the result's. I was expecting good new's because I felt so well.( I'm going to cut this short because I don't have a lot of time I should be hoovering) the doctor Introduced a nurse. a Macmillan Nurse. he then shuffled some paper's looked at me and said...I'm sorry you have Bladder cancer...I remember seeing the nurse leading my wife out the door. she was sobbing. my whole sense of reality was moving away. I could not hear I could not speak. all I could think of was my family. how do I tell them. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. 

On the 16/1/14. I had an appointment with a surgeon at Bart's. he told me all the option's but he feel's after I pressed him my best chance Is to have my bladder removed. since I was told all this In the space of three day's there Is blood In my urine again. I am now back to where I was before Christmas. but I am positive. when I am alone I think Is this really happening. a few time's I have had tear's but these are not for myself. they are for my family. I look at my wife. she Is trying to be brave but I see the fear. I have told her If she feel's she cannot cope she can go and stay with her sister out In Kent until this Is all over. she just looked at me like I was mad. I really did not want her to go but felt I had to give her the choice. I tell her not to worry. but I know she will. because If It was her. I would be worried sick....but she has always been braver than me. this has all come as a shock but as I said we are coping,
