
1 minute read time.

I find that whenever I visit the Macmillan web site I get depressed. reading all those stories. especially the " I've just been diagnosed" entry's. It set's me off thinking about my own Illness. I have Bladder cancer. or rather had. I have just finished six week's of radio therapy. I still have trouble urinating. It's slow and the night's are spent visiting the toilet on average 7 or 8 time's so I get little sleep. In myself I feel fine. everyone tell's me how well I look. and I try to avoid thinking about my Illness. but ad's on the TV asking for donation's to help fight cancer are constantly reminding me of what I have. I remember one ad In particular. It Involve's a man with his consultant. and the consultant tell's him " IT IS CANCER" and the patient go'es Into a state of shock and hear's no more. It's like he has gone deaf. when I was told I had bladder cancer It came as a shock. my wife burst Into tear's and I had the feeling that reality had shifted. I became that man In the ad. I thought " death " then I thought I've got to tell my children who are all grown up. some took It better than other's. I have a daughter living In New Zealand she Immediately flew home. my eldest daughter went to piece's. It was the hardest thing I had ever done. they all came together to form a wall around me. hopefully I am cured but you can never be sure with cancer. I have an appointment next month to see a radiologist consultant. and then a month after that an appointment to see a urologist. and usually two week's after seeing her an appointment Is made to be examined. and I'm not looking forward to that,

  • Hello John Michael.i think I understand where you are coming from.So many come here when first diagnosed.I did when I felt like a headless chicken looking at Dr Google and scaring myself.I found and I hope that those who have just been diagnosed,others that understood how I felt some had been where I was at that time and could offer support and advice,even those who did not have my type of cancer offered a hug good wishes or a kind word.I too relate to the man in the advert when told he has cancer and also to the lady in the advert who says "are they talking about me" I think prior cancer we don't notice all the advertising so much but since diagnosis I certainly see it more and sometimes feel it's everywhere I go.I went on a cruise last year and the ship I was on had Macmillan collecting tins and a coffee morning as their chosen charity was macmillan.Im grateful for this as the funds raised help so much,but I did feel that there is no escape from reminders even when I was on holiday.I had kidney cancer and a few months later I was diagnosed with bladder cancer.I have had two ops to remove superficial cancers from my bladder and each time my consultant says you do know that it is possible it will come back.Like you people say oh you look great etc they dont know what goes on inside but here on the site people do know and understand.Its good to know you have such staunch support from your family.I have my daughters and friends who have been a great support but there are worries and fears I hide from them as I don't want them to worry about me but here I can let those fears and worries out.Its good to hear you are hopefully cured or at least cancer free.All the pokings and prodiings are as you say not something to look forward too a necessary evil I guess.I hope all goes well for you Take care Cruton x
  • FormerMember

    Hi John, I clicked on the blog pages (to write my own) and stumbled across your lastest entry and felt like I was reading something I had written. I am nearly a year into remission from cervical cancer and have numerous problems from raditotherapy side effects.  

    As for those adverts- my god!! What are they trying to do to us! I find I tear up at the slightest thing these days. But the Macmillan ones are the worst for sure. I accompanied my sister in law and my best friend to the race for life the other week. I was so grateful I wore sunglasses and I cried from the moment I got there till I left. I was never an overly emotional person but I tear up at anything these days. I think this is a natural way to be feeling though so don't be too hard on yourself.

    I wish you all the luck and hope you stay fit and healthy. Jenny.