Well, This Is Rich

  • It’s either Saturday or Sunday!

    Took my Fitbit off last night because it was really bothering me. And now I’m not entirely sure of the day or the date — I think it’s Saturday but it feels like a Sunday.  I’ve been power napping — sleeping like the...
  • 27th October

    Went on my favourite walk today.  This is the first bit of the walk.  There and back it’s about 14000 steps and I managed 1/2 the way and then picked up logs for the fire.   I love each part of this walk — despite being tir...
  • This was yesterday.

    Looking quickly at the first post I see a few mistypes and shake my head.  Shocked and stunned became socked and stunned. Both could be true — new fluffy socks are high on my list for this week.  I have slept about 24 hours over the l...
  • Tuesday, October 25, 2022

    Headache all day today.  Feeling pretty low. So much to get done and so little energy to do it with.  Hopeful I will get a few good hours to get things done in.   Daughter managed to go from the door of the school today which is progre...
  • Monday, 23, October 2022. 07:44

    Just received diagnosis on Friday past. (21/10/2022).  Socked and stunned.   Tech talk — squamous cancer T1-N1-M0.  P16 positive. location — back of tongue.   7:51  I keep falling asleep. Cat woke me up at 7...