It’s either Saturday or Sunday!

1 minute read time.

Took my Fitbit off last night because it was really bothering me. And now I’m not entirely sure of the day or the date — I think it’s Saturday but it feels like a Sunday.  I’ve been power napping — sleeping like the dead still and tackling things around here in very small increments.   Made a mac&cheese from scratch and added chopped up tiny pieces of roast beef and it was pretty darned good — easy to eat so another thing I can do further down the road.  

Got a book in the mail today on head and neck cancer and took a quick look at it — lots of info to read and digest which I will do later on.  Also got CNS names/phone numbers etc and an email with lots of instructions and numbers to call for financial stuff.  Hoping I have more energy soon to deal with all of this.  

Got a bunch of healing crystals and a white candle yesterday — also a wee crystal necklace to wear.  Was nice to do something for me — I like my stones and have set them up for a nice place to meditate.  

Anyway, off to bed again — hopefully a good night sleep will bring more energy in the morning.  

