why am I doing this?

  • still wondering


    I was "lucky" enough to be put on Anfatinib 40mgs. I t was horrendous, nose bleeds, bleeding gums, facial rash and, worse of all, constant diarrhoea so next time I saw the oncologist, I only agreed to try 20 mgs rather than the 30 mgs he had in mind. Sadly, same result and I decided on Sunday that I am not going to spend every evening of my life from now on in the bathroom with diarrhoea. I had clearly understood from…

  • why am I doing this


    Hello. I am almost 69, born with Spina Bifida, had a mastectomy in 1994 and was told in the most insensitive manner in October that I might have lung cancer. Turns out I have. It is in both lungs, so no surgery, isn't terminal, can't be cured so I am lined up for palliative chemo, starting on 18th Jan, to say nothing of a lengthy kidney test tomorrow and a Chemo Talk next week. I was fine over Christmas but now I don…