why am I doing this

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Hello. I am almost 69, born with Spina Bifida, had a mastectomy in 1994 and was told in the most insensitive manner in October that I might have lung cancer. Turns out I have. It is in both lungs, so no surgery, isn't terminal, can't be cured so I am lined up for palliative chemo, starting on 18th Jan, to say nothing of a lengthy kidney test tomorrow and a Chemo Talk next week. I was fine over Christmas but now I don't really want to have Chemo as it is only delaying the inevitable and I seem to have been fighting one way or another all my life. oncologist can't say whether my life will be extended by much. Apart from a cough and occasional discomfort in my back, I have no symptoms. Am I simply being silly?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Magda,

    Firstly, no you are not being silly and any insensitivity has only added to your upset.

    You will have faced challenges that most others will never appreciate and at 69 I think you deserve to be treated with respect as an absolute minimum. Being born post war and at a time when life was so much tougher, I imagine that you've had to be both brave and very determined to get where you are today. Please don't make decisions when in a depressed mood.

    There is a lung cancer specialist nurse here that will happily give you information and if you call the freephone number they will give you tailored advice and support to assist you at this difficult time. The decisions you make should be well informed and supported so if you have any reservations about those involved in your care, then tell them as much. Please don't allow them to neglect your situation and request they take your enquiries seriously. You will be guaranteed to get support here but for that tailored information you might need, speak to the specialists through the freephone number below.

    All the very best Magda.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks ,Ronnie