Palliative Care

  • Feeling helpless


    Since finding out that my mum had cancer which had spread to her brain, she still hadn't lost her fighting spirit. Still pretty determined to be with us & fight, she found out about a new (here anyway) treatment, which had previously been used on melanoma patients with high levels of success.

    We asked the oncologist who put her forward for it. We were delighted, I read up on the treatment, at how successful…

  • Moving on & finding hope


    After our first oncologist who suggested no treatment, we found another who was the opposite to the first. She wanted to start my mum immediately on a bone strengthening treatment & also start on chemotherapy. She had a much more positive attitude towards us which helped us so much. 

    My mums first chemo was an event to be witnessed, "I want you to take a picture of me every time I come for treatment!". We went…

  • Initial Diagnosis


    My mum was diagnosed in Sept last year as having breast cancer, early stages. She had a lumpectomy & that was that, breast cancer beat. (Take that ya bum!)

    We breathed a sigh of relief. The cancer gods laughed! We're not finished with you yet said they! She had had an annoying cough for ages, totally unrelated, asthama had been the diagnosis. But it had gotten worse recently, off they sent her for a chest xray…