Feeling helpless

1 minute read time.

Since finding out that my mum had cancer which had spread to her brain, she still hadn't lost her fighting spirit. Still pretty determined to be with us & fight, she found out about a new (here anyway) treatment, which had previously been used on melanoma patients with high levels of success.

We asked the oncologist who put her forward for it. We were delighted, I read up on the treatment, at how successful it had been & was excited for my mum to have it! Of course it would have side effects, but my mum was strong, the strongest she had been in ages!

We went along to the old clinic where we had the chemo before, and it was like being back with old friends! (I had got married since the last time we saw them & they were so excited to see pictures!). We had tea and biscuits, it was great. 

A few hours later and my mum was rushed back to hospital. She had taken a fever & her blood pressure and heart rate were through the roof. This time she was moved to a specialist ward where they paid very close attention to her. Seems she had an underlying infection. She was kept in until they got it under control.

That was about 5 weeks ago now. And unfortunately she's going from bad to worse. So tired and now unable to get out of bed. My dad is her full time carer, I help out as much as I can, as does my sister. It's hard seeing her fading away, not knowing what to do for the best. We keep her as comfortable as possible, but she's in a lot of pain. She can't concentrate on books anymore and just sits in her bed all day dosing off.

Has anyone else gone through this? How can I help make her feel more comfortable? Any tips?

  • So sorry to hear your story about your mum BlueButterfly87 It must be so hard for you and your family. Your mum should not have to be in pain - have you contacted the palliative care team? Do you have a MacMillan nurse? There are wonderful professionals out there who should be able to help her. It doesn't need to be just your dad. And of course you need to look after him too.


    Lynn xx

  • FormerMember

    Since posting she's had the local district nurses in and so isn't in pain. Due to the time of year though we've been unable to contact the hospice, for extra help. But we're managing by ourselves. Thank you for your kind words though.