Initial Diagnosis

1 minute read time.

My mum was diagnosed in Sept last year as having breast cancer, early stages. She had a lumpectomy & that was that, breast cancer beat. (Take that ya bum!)

We breathed a sigh of relief. The cancer gods laughed! We're not finished with you yet said they! She had had an annoying cough for ages, totally unrelated, asthama had been the diagnosis. But it had gotten worse recently, off they sent her for a chest xray. And of course it came back abnormal, she was then sent for a whole host of different tests to find out what it was, MRI, CT scans , pet scans you name it she had it. Of course we assumed the worst, lung cancer (that's what we do, prepare for the worst and you'll be OK!). The consultant called us in, Dec last year (her Birthday no less!), we were prepared. It was going to be ok. And then he told us not only is it lung cancer, but it has also spread to your bones, in 6 different locations. We were referred to a specialist oncologist.

We prepared for the appointment, ready to fight. Chemo, radiotherapy, we got this! The oncologist sat us down, already with a smug attitude. So tell me what you think you know about your condition. My mum asked so how long are we talking? (You know he's dealt with situations like this before, we're not looking for an exact date or anything, just a wee idea!) 'Well I can't really give you an idea, could be 3 months, could be a week, could be tomorrow!' We were devastated! "If you have a list of goals do them now, you'll never feel better than your feeling today!". I could have lunged over the table & smacked him one then and there. We had went in with a fighting spirit & left with our hopes dashed.
