A Bleeding Nuisance

  • Waiting for confirmation


    So the next few days were a bit of a blur, I received an appointment for my MRI, I told close friends and family what was happening and I googled alot (stupid I know) which actually helped as I found 2 charities that were really informative, helpful and positive: Mummy's Star who support people affected by cancer during pregnancy or within a year of birth and Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust. I also found a closed support…

  • Colposcopy to suspected diagnosis


    The following Wednesday I went for my colposcopy with son in tow, as he was still breastfed then and gave me a positive distraction from the upcoming procedure. 

    The nurse called me through and I spoke to the consultant who was very polite and professional and who took a detailed history about and signs and symptoms and pregnancy and pain before I went through for the examination and biopsies; all of which was…

  • Pregnancy to referral


    In January 2016 I found out I was pregnant with our second baby and soon started to experience the all too familiar nausea and vomiting of hyperemesis gravidarum, severe vomiting in pregnancy that I had with my daughter also and which this time lead to a 10% bodyweight loss in 6 weeks (beat that weight watchers) and 10 days in hospital having iv fluids and medication. I also discovered that I had developed hypothyroidism…

  • My Hope


    I will be using this blog to detail my journey from pregnancy to referral to diagnosis and then through treatment and hopefully survivorship.

    My hope is that this blog will not only help myself make sense out of the madness that is a cancer diagnosis but my aim is that it will also help anyone else who may be experiencing something similar as well as raise awareness of a cancer that is not often well publicised…