A daughters perspective

  • When will my wee go red?!


    Mum has just started a new chemotherapy drug - liposomal doxorubicin. It has just a 20% chance of working, meaning it only works for 1 out of every 5 people who have it. Mum says she will be that 1! I love her positivity, it makes a huge contrast to me. I feel incredibly negative right now, but I guess that is a coping mechanism.

    As with all chemotherapy drugs, the liposomal doxorubicin comes with a huge range of side…

  • All about us


    So this post is a bit about my family.

    Mum is the eldest of three; two girls and a boy. Her Father was Polish and her Mother English. They met at the end of WW2, when my Grandfather was discharged from the British Army. Mum arrived a couple of years later. She met my Father whilst they were at school, Mum says their eyes met across an exam room! They married young (Dad had only turned 21 a few days earlier) and I arrived…

  • The story so far....


    Monday June 9th 2014 was a day I will never forget.

    Mum had gone through the menopause several years earlier, when she started to experience vaginal bleeding. She wasn't overly concerned, her father had passed away recently and she put it down to stress or infection or possibly a cyst, but nothing sinister. She went to the GP and he referred her to a gynaecologist. The appointment came through quickly, it was for a Friday…