When will my wee go red?!

1 minute read time.

Mum has just started a new chemotherapy drug - liposomal doxorubicin. It has just a 20% chance of working, meaning it only works for 1 out of every 5 people who have it. Mum says she will be that 1! I love her positivity, it makes a huge contrast to me. I feel incredibly negative right now, but I guess that is a coping mechanism.

As with all chemotherapy drugs, the liposomal doxorubicin comes with a huge range of side effects including nausea, mouth ulcers, diarrhoea and of course tiredness. But it also comes with another more unusual side effect - it can turn your urine pink! Mum was very excited about this.

Mum had the chemotherapy 3 days ago, and since then I have had twice daily reports on the colour of her urine. Unfortunately its still not pink. Mum is quite upset! Of all the side effects that she could have, this was one that she could discuss humorously. Most people, in my experience, can't cope with the regular side effects. They got distressed when Mum lost her hair, they don't like to hear that she is feeling sick or that she is constipated. The tiredness seems to be the only thing they can cope with, she has cancer its to be expected! I guess I'm being a little unfair on some of Mum's friends, she has an amazing group of close friends who will do anything for her. They genuinely love her and want to help in any way that they can. I guess I'm just angry at Mum's family, who haven't so much as text her to ask how she is after chemotherapy. 

But hey, the purpose of this blog is not to rant about family. All that does is raise my blood pressure!

Mum is doing really well, despite the nausea and tiredness she is still carrying on. Today she is having lunch with an ex-colleague and his wife and she plans to go shopping. I suspect the shopping might not happen, but that's ok. I love shopping!
