One day at a time

  • Appoitment day


    Todays the day I go to my appoitment and meet my consultant for my bad boo as my daughter calls my breast. Cant eat and have a headache deom lack of sleep but glad its here at last. I am so glad my steo mum and dad are coming with me my sister would of came as shes a district nurse and unseestands the doctors more then me. But took mum because she wont hokd back and ask those difficult questions aa she dont hold no punches…

  • Having a cry and facing the truth!!!!!


    Ive been doing really well then 2 days ago I told mine and my husband family that the gp thinks I have cancer. When the doctor said "were looking at cancer" I laughed and said "but isn't it a infection" when he said "im sorry kerry but no its defently not a infection" I still never believed him. So again I said "but its an infection cant I just have some antibiotics, it will be gone in a week. I remember the gp taking…

  • The count down begins


    Ok hi im kerryanne and im 37 married mum off one. Last friday my doctor told me he thinks I have breast cancer situated in or around my nipple my world crumbled I had my daughter with me and thank every god that she had her headphones on . Today I got a phone call giving me my appoitment date and my consultant name at the kent and canterbury breast unit. I feel like im living a nightmare waiting for tests and results…