• Radio day 8......


    Day 7 was 'orrible - VERY painful - only because of 'Betty' (my tumour) is in my buttock and laying on my back is excruciatingly 'orrible - I am going to have to ask at Clinic on Thursday if they would remind me why I am having radio - surgery - then more radio - yesterday I just wanted it OUT - woke up at 4am dreading todays session!!!!

    Today was not as bad - still not good but tolerable  - JUST!!!! -will…

  • Radio Day 3.......


    Day 1 'orrible !!!!! because of the time it took to position me and having to lay on my back!!!!!  - ..bearing in mind my tumour is in my gluteous maximus - the nurse advised me to take painkillers before the next session. Anyway on Day 2 I said how bad I had felt - and it was arranged for a Doctor to come down to chat with me - he prescribed liquid morphine - so I reckon I will be OK now .  Sessions 2 and 3 were…

  • Today is the day..........


    .....that I had my 1st radiotherapy session - again everyone I came in contact with at he RM were friendly but professional - talked me through what was going to happen and put me at ease. The session was longer than it will normally be - because today they had to position me - all I had to was was to lay VERY still. Mind you I 'm glad I have the weekend free to play 'tourist' then I will be ready for Session 2 on Monday…

  • Tomorrow is the day ..........


    ...I start my radiotherapy  - into the unknown!!!! - I've read about what will happen etc - but it's still a case of 'oh eck here we go!!!!!' Mind you I am looking forward to spending time being 'a tourist' in London for the 5 week duration of the 'radio'.

  • 29 October 2015 - Radiotherapy Day getting closer!!!!!


    My 'radio' starts next Friday 6 Nov - I've been reading lots about what to expect and today I met a lady from my local Sarcoma Group - who has been there, done that and got the T-shirt!!!!!!  and was able to give me first hand knowledge on what to expect and what questions to ask. We met just for a 'chat and a cuppa' and 3 HOURS later we parted as friends - a remarkable lady.