Radio day 8......

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Day 7 was 'orrible - VERY painful - only because of 'Betty' (my tumour) is in my buttock and laying on my back is excruciatingly 'orrible - I am going to have to ask at Clinic on Thursday if they would remind me why I am having radio - surgery - then more radio - yesterday I just wanted it OUT - woke up at 4am dreading todays session!!!!

Today was not as bad - still not good but tolerable  - JUST!!!! -will also ask at Clinic about upping the morphine dose - maybe that would help.

  • FormerMember

    I feel for you hun. I had anal cancer, and my 'Betty' was a hefty size. Laying on my back was also excruciatingly painful, as was sitting and walking. I wanted out on more than one occasion, but hang on in there. It will improve once treatment is over and time goes on. We have to kick this beast into touch! It will not beat us xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I'm new on here.

    I finished my treatment early August but I still feel your pain. It is awfully uncomfortable I did however get them to let me take a Morphine 'top up' before I went in when I was really bad. I took it just before drinking the water which gives a perfect amount of time for it to take effect first. Only trouble was I did fall asleep on the couch one Such was the increased effect of the morphine! Hang in there, how many sessions are you having?x