My amazing friend

  • Back to the start


    So the first I knew about Daniel's illness was back in May 2014.  We were chatting away as we do and he happened to drop into conversation that he was in hospital. Eh? Bless him, he always downplays it.

    He said he was just having some tests and he felt fine . . . blah, blah, blah.  Knowing him as I do I called Evie for the real story.  She told me that Daniel had had some breathing difficulties investigated back in January…

  • No finer guy


    Daniel's journey with Stage 4 Ewings Sarcoma started a little over a year ago (well, that he knew of!)  Watching the way he and his partner Evie have dealt with this couldn't fail to amaze and inspire.  They are both truly remarkable.  They've faced this thing head on, never doubting that he will kick this thing into remission and even retaining their sense of tumour! (Daniel's joke, not mine!)

    So I decided…