The Return of The Egg

2 minute read time.

So Daniel's on his second of 4 rounds of chemo (hopefully).  He'd started to think he was going to get away without losing his hair this time, but apparently no such luck.  When he was having chemo before and lost his hair he lovingly nick named himself 'The Egg' and now it seems we're seeing the eggs return.

When Daniel started to lose his hair both times, he's let his 8 year old nephew shave his head for him. It really makes his nephew feel a part of the process and not to be frightened of what's happening.  For such a young guy Daniel is so insightful and considering what he's going through, it's incredible how his primary concern is always to make others feel better about what's happening to him.

Right now he's still looking well and his humour is intact (though I don't think he's ever lost it even at his lowest lows - he calls it his sense of tumour).  I'm just wishing, hoping and praying that all he has to do is get through these next two rounds and come January we'll be told he's beaten it once more.

And then, of course, we've just got to hope it stays away.  I think for me it will always be hanging there like a big black cloud just waiting to rear it's ugly head.  Even if it never comes back, will the fear of it always slightly tinge an otherwise happy existence?  Luckily, Daniel is far more incredible than I and I'm sure he'll cope with that psychologically far better than I would.  Even in the midst of it he refuses to let cancer dictate his life.  

I thought it best to perhaps not visit with my children while he's in the Marsden, since they're always carrying so many bugs and germs! Last thing he wants is a bug on top of what he already has, but Daniel wouldn't have it.  Bring them, he said.  Cancer's not stopping me seeing them.  And last week he was out having a grand old time on the beers at another friends Halloween costume (in certainly the most frightening costume I've ever seen!)

He really does awe and inspire me every single day.  I don't think I've met another person ever in my life, certainly not one as young as he, that would handle this with half the composure, calmness and comedy (!) that he does.  

You're awesome Daniel.  Love you long time xxx
